Friday, August 24, 2012

Shame on the Moon...

... or just shame on me.... either one works. Though I'd vastly prefer you blame the moon.

Yes, it's confession time.

The awful truth is... that my word count is STILL at 2978. I have not written a word since I sprained my wrist... a road block that has been a non-issue for about four days now.


But enough on that dreary subject. On to more pleasant things! Such as... well... I discovered a new name for a character in my book! ::nods:: Yes, it took a great deal of effort and forethought so that I'd have something to show in this update*

So, that's the scoop. I've not written anything, but I've been doing some SERIOUS creative planning, which is almost as good.


*or I simply mistyped a word in the title of this blog post and came up with it as I was about to confess... but we won't go into that....

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Back in the Saddle

Or, rather, back on the keyboard again.

Good news, ladies and gents, my wrist is no longer sprained! Woke up this morning, and it was all fine and dandy.

I guess that means back to the writing!

Current Word Count: 2978

Let's see if I can pound out some more words tonight!! ONWARD!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Slight Hiccup...

So, I've sustained a mystery wrist injury (I like how that sounds... "mystery wrist injury".... but I really don't like how it feels :-/) that prevents me from writing very much. It huuuuuuuurts to type with my right hand (of course, I'm right-handed), typing is slow with my left,  so progress will be slow for the next couple of days/weeks... or however long it takes this to quit hurting.

But, it's the best timing I could have hoped for as I am going out of town for a few days - writing would have been at a virtual standstill anyway.

So, that's all for now.


Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Writin' After Midnight

So I stayed up waaaaaaaay late last night writing, because I was on a roll. I regretted it this morning, but last night, it was awesome.

So awesome, in fact, that I'm pretty sure I'll do it again tonight.

Why the madness? Because I discovered in my late-night scribblings that more of my original manuscript is salvageable than I first thought. My current word count is now nearing 3,000, with 1500 being completely new words. That's more than I've written on this project in over two years. Yeah, like a boss.

So anyway, that's the update.

Current Word Count: 2978 and still writing....


Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Song of Vice and Ire

OK, so it's not the cleverest title; but my ire is up due to the painful revelation of one particularly nasty vice of mine: pride.

I am/was too prideful of this magnificent manuscript that I've been working on for the last six years. It blinded me to some extremely obvious (and serious) errors. The deeper I delve into this re-writing process, the more clear it becomes that what this work really needs is a match. Because it is pretty much just kindling. Seriously, it's awful.

Now, credit where it's due: I did manage to pound out 30k words at the tender age of sixteen and another 5k between then and now; for that, I am to be applauded. However, the sickening amount of lavish praise I applied to my own words should have been a red flag that something was up. Not that we shouldn't appreciate our own work, but we shouldn't view it as flawless, either. Because nothing is.

However, I am determined not to let it get me down. The story is good, and therefore salvageable. The execution is what needs work. And to that end, I have a bit of inspiration. On loop.

Oh yeah, I totally went there.

P.S. Current word count on re-write is 281 words. Hopefully posting this will shame me into getting a move on...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

This Christmas

Just recently, a plothole in one of my stories was pointed out to me. A rather large one. One so large, in fact, that it calls for a complete and total re-write of my (currently) 35k word manuscript.

You know, the one I've been working on for six years? Yeah, that one...

I won't bore you with the dramatic details of my initial reaction. Suffice it to say... it was colorful. But, c'est la vie, no? I've moved on into the correction stage. And it's time to get crackin'. This time, I have a deadline.

A cousin (not the one who abandoned me on the project) and I have a running joke concerning this first novel. I say every year "It will be done by Christmas!", to which he always replies "You said that last year!". My oh-so-clever response to this is (per usual), "But I didn't say which Christmas!". We both laugh and resume our normal routine, both knowing full well that it won't be done by this or any Christmas.

However, as you may have guessed, my goal is to get a 50k word rough draft/re-write complete by December 25, 2012.

We'll see how this goes.

All Things Writerly

Hullo there, friends!

I am the Unlikely Author. Why unlikely, you ask? Well, because I am not made up of the usual stuff as I imagine authors to be. For instance, i don't mind a playing Fast and Loose with the rules of capitalization. Inverted word order matters not. Cliches are the best thing since sliced bread. You get the idea. But, more than that, I'm not too fond of scheduling and deadlines, which are kind of part and parcel to the writers lifestyle. (I also don't manage my time well, but you'll soon see evidence of that).

However, I am quite the creative sort, and I enjoy a good story. And I am dedicated to them. So much so, in fact, that I have one story (a fantasy novel) that I've been attempting to tell since May of 2006. It began as a small exercise to involve a younger cousin in creative writing. In one afternoon, it had grown into a ten-book series.

My younger cousin has long since abandoned the project, but I've been faithfully slogging away. This will be the first project dealt with in my small, humble corner of the interwebz.

I hope you enjoy!