Friday, August 24, 2012

Shame on the Moon...

... or just shame on me.... either one works. Though I'd vastly prefer you blame the moon.

Yes, it's confession time.

The awful truth is... that my word count is STILL at 2978. I have not written a word since I sprained my wrist... a road block that has been a non-issue for about four days now.


But enough on that dreary subject. On to more pleasant things! Such as... well... I discovered a new name for a character in my book! ::nods:: Yes, it took a great deal of effort and forethought so that I'd have something to show in this update*

So, that's the scoop. I've not written anything, but I've been doing some SERIOUS creative planning, which is almost as good.


*or I simply mistyped a word in the title of this blog post and came up with it as I was about to confess... but we won't go into that....

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