Saturday, November 24, 2012

Good Run of Bad Luck

So, my friends, I hate to say this... but I think I've been defeated.

At 22,000 words with 7 days left, you'd think I'd be full on forward. And I was...

... until I got a busted eardrum.

Apparently extreme sinus pressure, stress, and a love-tap to the back of the head with a football equals waking up at 2:00 in the morning with blood gushing from your ear, a trip to the ER, and an unknown number of days with vertigo, trips to various doctors, and bluebell creamsicles whilst lying on the couch.

Oh, and I have to keep cotton swabs in my ear to soak up the constant seeping of red ooze.

I tried. I really did. My main character overdid it this morning with magic, and she busted an eardrum. 1400 words worth of description pounded out with very real-life inspiration.

But it was no use. I couldn't write after that. I'm actually not supposed to be doing anything stressful, and worrying about a wordcount is definitely that. Especially when one is this far behind.

So I'm taking a step back, and I'll resume my writing after I'm fully healed.

It was a fun run, and thanks for bearing with me!  I still have my initial writing challenge of finishing my re-write before the end of the year. And there will be other crazy-town writing challenges; including, of course... next NaNoWriMo ;-)


Final Wordcount: 22,720


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

'And I would write 5,000 words....

and I would write 2,000 more

Just to be the one who wrote 7,000 words til I couldn't write anymore."

Yes, ladies and gents, I wrote 7,000 words in one day. 7,100 to be exact.

Guess what? That caught me up. I crossed the 18,000 word mark on the same day as the other participants of NaNo who are on time.

Of course, they are only writing one novel, but we won't get into that.

The material point is this: I wrote 7100 words in one day! That's amazing! What would happen if I did that every day? I could potentially write three books! ::starts doing math::


Not really. I'm not that insane. Yet.

But it does give me hope that I can at least come close to completing my 100k word goal for this November.

Speaking of, I need to get back to it. After I finish purposefully distracting myself by baking a fancy cake for my coworkers. Pictures to follow. Especially if it's an epic fail....


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The best laid plans....

... sometimes go awry...

But NOT in this case!!

I tell you, my friends, I was worried there at the start. It got a wee bit rough.

First of all, I was supposed to be off on November 1. Can you say, Perfect? I was going to write ALL DAY.

Then the boss called, asking if I could work on Thursday instead of Wednesday.

After the wailing and gnashing of teeth subsided, I cheerily said "Of course!"

She responded, "Great! By the way, it involves a trip to Dallas. We leave at 7 AM and we won't be done until 5:00"

More wailing. More gnashing.

SO. For the first full day of NaNo, starting at 5:30 in the AM, I was stuck in traffic, in training, stuck in MORE traffic, and then collapsing into my bed in 9:00 PM, too tired to write a single word.

I worked the next day, too. I was so tired, I forgot my notebook. Then, my coworker, who is also doing NaNo, told me she was already at 10,000 words.

My confidence took a nosedive, and I started to give up. There was no WAY I was catching up at that point. How could I POSSIBLY write TWO books with such a rough start?

Then I realized something very, very important: the joy shouldn't lie in the completion, but the writing itself. If I allowed myself to get bogged down in the numbers, I wouldn't enjoy the writing. And if I didn't enjoy the writing... why was I doing this to myself?

So, Saturday morning, when I was called to work at 9 AM for a meeting, I decided to spend the time between then and my shift (I didn't clock in until 1:00 PM) writing.

Guess what? I enjoyed it.

I didn't write a lot. Only about 1300 words, and it was already day 3. But I didn't care. I simply enjoyed the creative flow.

I did the same thing the next few days - writing in my notebook when I could at work, and not sweating it the rest of the time.

Well, friends, today is my day off, and I've been a writing fool. I'm nowhere near caught up, even for ONE novel, but I'm on the write track... (I had to do it once :-P).

Win or lose, I'm still gonna give it my best shot!


Post Script: My current word count is 6300 words. Not bad for a latecomer ;-)